What hours are you open?

We are open from 8:30am to 4:30pm

What sessions are available?

Day sessions from 8:45am to 3:15pm

Do you provide lunch for the children?

Parents are asked to provide their children with morning tea, afternoon tea, or lunch as appropriate for their booking. We have a Healthy Heart Award from the Heart Foundation so we would ask that food provided is consistent with our practice. (Please see the Heart Foundation's Healthy Lunchbox ideas brochure for more assistance or talk to our teachers.)

How many teachers do you have?

We have a ratio of 1 qualified teacher to 8 children.

Are your teachers qualified?

All teachers are fully early childhood trained with many years of experience.
We are committed to ongoing professional development and to maintaining a high level of trained and registered teachers thus ensuring we offer a high quality programme. Teacher professional development, teacher reflections, centre review and programme evaluation help us to continually monitor, assess, evaluate and improve our teaching and learning

What are your fees?

Children three to five years qualify for thirty free ECE hours.
There is an administration fee of $30 for a new enrolment.

Read more information on fees.

How do you support transition to school?

At least ten weeks before a child is due to start school they join the Transition to School group.

Held each morning after morning tea, this group follows the ten-week Transition to School plan. The daily progress of each child will be recorded in the child’s individual Transition to School Folder. At the staff meeting, a child’s progress is reflected on and any requirements are added into the daily planning for the Centre.

During this time the child will be taken to May Road Primary school for a school visit twice a term as a part of school transition program. The staff are encouraged to talk with parents about their child’s progress in the group and ask for their help in areas that need attention.